22.04 informs and communicates fashion at a deep level making the reader travel through the fashion cycle, from its root, history, importance and impacts and leading you to want to modify thoughts and generate change.
Divided into 2 volumes the A-side tells the story of fashion, its relevance to society and its role over the years. It approaches clothing as an essential good but also fashion as a need to express individuality and tell the history of humanity. It analyzes the relationship of fashion with the body, language, art and consumption, bringing a vision cultural and social through collections and artists linked to fashion.
The B side reflects how fashion relates to sustainability and conscious consumption, bringing fashion, as cultural production and its impact, with the objective of generating new behaviors and trends that allows a new thought. Through the exhibition of artists and projects that base their work on new ways of producing, alert to the logic of current consumption, the role of manufacturers, designers and consumers and their influence.